“ I didn’t think I would ever get photos like these of Katie “
Katie’s family had invited me into their home , I was really excited to be spending time with Philippa and her beautiful girls and it was such a privilege to photograph them …
Katie was 2 years 3 months when she was diagnosed with autism and although she is absolutely surrounded by the most beautiful family she lives in residential care , P would have kept her at home forever but it is the best for Katie
Wednesday night and its Katie’s night , everything has to be planned to perfection , all of her favourite food in easy reach in the cupboards and fridge ..and she comes home
Nothing could have prepared me for the beauty of this girl , rushing through the door excited to be home followed by her two amazing carers , straight to the cupboards with a little side step back and forward to her place at the breakfast bar …Katie LOVES Jaffa cakes ..
I have been fortunate enough to work with Autistic children and I have learnt as P explains they have their own unique sensitivities, which can mean they are over or under sensitive to different things. As an example Katie is over sensitive to sunlight ,but sometimes under sensitive to touch & will require really deep pressure on her from her carers. I say sometimes ,because she also can’t stand touch on other days .
So my main purpose for this shoot was to ensure Katie was happy , I gave her and her Mum space , understanding that things could change in a split second , totally unexplained .
We went with Katie , until it was time for her to ask for her shoes …this actually didn’t happen which was quite unusual so I was absolutely delighted that another person in the house , occasionally lifting a black thing up didn’t phase her in the slightest ….
I knew Katie loves going out for a drive so I was actually fully expecting a drive out too , but she was super happy in the house …Perfect
I spent around 2 hours with Katie , capturing her beautiful , gentle and loving personality , she loves to go up stairs and back down …Getting in and out of all the beds ..I didn’t count how many times but I could tell just how at ease she was to be at home …
I was quite taken aback that P didn’t ever think she would have photographs like these of Katie as I am sure there are many photographers out there who have the same understanding and patience …
I am privileged to now be Katie’s personal photographer
Its clear to see the incredible bond Mummy and Katie have , beautiful to watch and filled me with such emotion as I looked through the edits …
Katie’s Mum has a fabulous insightful blog called …Katie’s Mum
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